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Builder Automated Media is a leading performance marketing agency specializing in multichannel digital strategy, SEO, paid media, social media, creative, local services, PR, geofencing marketing and CRO.


When it comes to SEO, many business owners wonder how long it will take for them to see results. The truth is, there’s no set answer – SEO can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months (or even longer). But the good news is that with the right strategy and execution, you’re on your way to better organic search results. Here are a few tips to help you get started!

It’s a question that businesses of all sizes ask time and time again – how long does SEO take? Even more importantly, is it worth the investment? In this blog post, we’ll break down everything you need to know about SEO timelines and what factors can affect how long the process takes. We’ll also discuss some tips for maximizing your ROI on SEO. So if you’re ready to learn more, keep reading.

How Long Does it Take For SEO to Work?

When it comes to digital marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects to consider. After all, if your website doesn’t show up in search engine results, potential customers will never even know that you exist. But how long does it take for SEO to work? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to that question. It depends on a number of factors, including the size of your website, the competition for your keywords, and the quality of your SEO strategy. However, most digital marketing agencies will tell you that it usually takes between three and six months to start seeing results from an SEO campaign. So if you’re looking to improve your website’s visibility, be patient – good things take time.

There’s no single answer to the question of how long it takes for SEO to work. However, there are some general principles that can help to provide a framework for understanding the timeline. First and foremost, it’s important to understand that SEO is an ongoing process, not a one-time effort. In other words, you can’t simply “do” SEO once and then reap the benefits indefinitely. Instead, it’s necessary to continually monitor and adjust your digital marketing strategy as the landscape evolves. Additionally, the results of your SEO efforts will vary depending on factors such as the competitiveness of your industry and the quality of your digital marketing agency. With that said, most businesses can start to see results within three to six months of launching an SEO campaign. However, it’s important to keep in mind that it can take up to a year or more to achieve long-term, sustainable success.

Just like lifestyle changes, SEO results take time and consistency.

The Factors That Impact Your SEO Timeline

When it comes to digital marketing, one of the most important factors to consider is your SEO timeline. While there are a number of factors that can impact your SEO efforts, understanding the timeline can be critical to ensuring your success.

Perhaps the most important factor in your SEO timeline is the size of your digital marketing team. If you have a large team, you can expect to see results much sooner than if you only have a few people working on your SEO. This is because a larger team can more quickly implement changes and track results.

In addition, the agency you partner with can also impact your SEO timeline. Some agencies may be able to get you results more quickly than others, so it’s important to ask about their timelines and compare them to other options.

Finally, the type of changes you’re making to your website can also play a role in how quickly you see results from your SEO efforts. If you’re making major changes, it may take some time for Google to index and rank your site accordingly. However, if you’re making smaller changes, you may see results more quickly.

By taking the time to understand the factors that can impact your SEO timeline, you’ll be in a better position to

  • The age of your website – As they say, age before beauty. Older websites have an immediate advantage over new websites because they often have higher domain authority, more backlinks, and a baseline of website traffic. In other words, they’ve established themselves and their SEO foundation. 

In contrast, a brand-new website is like a fresh-faced college graduate entering the workforce. It can take time to establish their legitimacy, gain some experience, and join the ranks of an older website.

  • The SEO-friendliness of the web design – Even if your website has been live for a long time, it may not be SEO-friendly yet. Contributing factors include its initial web design, CMS system, and URL structure. Overhauling these elements to make your website SEO-ready could push your results back by a few months. 
  • The competitiveness of your keywords – The more competition you’re up against, the longer it can take to rank for your target keywords. After all, your competitors are most likely investing in SEO, too. 

Targeting search terms like “medical-grade computer-based rehabilitative equipment” versus “car insurance” can be the difference between graduating into a niche subfield of biomedical engineering and, let’s say, business. With less competition, you’ll likely secure a job offer—and rank higher on search engines—much faster.

  • The quality of your backlink profile – Backlinks are incoming links from another source to your website. Starting with a foundation of high-quality backlinks—from sites that Google deems “reputable”—can lead to quicker SEO results. In contrast, if you begin your SEO campaign with an abundance of “toxic” backlinks, it could set back your SEO. These are common seo mistakes. Cleaning up your backlink profile takes time.
  • The quality and consistency of your new content – Some websites publish new content weekly. Others follow a monthly or bi-weekly publishing schedule instead. Both the quality and consistency of your content impact how quickly you can move the needle on your SEO results. 

When you have a dedicated SEO consultant or team on your side, they can determine the optimal publishing frequency for your niche. They can also develop a data-driven content strategy to capture your target audience’s attention. By posting unique, useful and quality content, you’ll also be more likely to earn high-quality backlinks from other websites reposting or linking to your content as a source.

  • Whether or not you have penalties from Google – Dabbling in “black hat” SEO strategies or anything that goes against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines could earn you a penalty.2 Early on, people would buy spammy backlinks or stuff their webpages with unnatural keywords to manipulate the SEO ranking system—needless to say, it didn’t work, and actually had the adverse effect by causing strikes against you. Until you resolve the issues that got you this penalty, your SEO progress may hover at a standstill.
  • Whether or not you hire a professional SEO team – SEO professionals know how to achieve results and fast—or at least faster. Hiring an SEO consultant or team is like investing in a personal trainer. With their expertise and structured plan, you can reach your fitness goals faster than you could by yourself. Likewise, a professional SEO team will dedicate their workday to studying your competition, developing data-driven strategies, and updating your website accordingly. 

But Seriously, How Long Does SEO Take?

There’s still no such thing as a simple answer, but there are general timelines that may apply to your SEO efforts:

  • How long does it take to see initial results? — Within four to six months, you can expect to see a rise in your impressions (the number of times people see any of your web pages listed) as well as an uptick in traffic (actual interactions with your website). 
  • How long does it take to see more significant results? — Within nine months to a year, you can expect to see much larger results from your SEO investment. 

This tracks based on everything we know about SEO results:

  • With proper optimization, your web pages slowly start to rank higher in search engines
  • The higher they rank, the more people interact with them
  • The more people that interact with them, the higher they rank
  • And so on and so forth in an endless cycle, as long as you maintain your SEO efforts

While you can expect to see initial results as early as four months in, these results will pale in comparison to what you see during month 12 and beyond. 



An SEO Campaign Timeline: Month-by-Month

To give you some behind-the-scenes insight into why SEO takes a while to get going, let’s review what a typical campaign looks like during the first six months (while keeping in mind that every website’s timeline is slightly different):

  • Month 1 – The initial groundwork is laid. Your SEO team will do a thorough audit of your current website to pinpoint areas of improvement. They may also conduct a competitor analysis and keyword research. Based on their findings, they’ll create a structured timeline for all the tasks that need to be done in the coming months.
  • Month 2 – During the second month, your SEO team will start optimizing your technical SEO. If your website just needs some basic optimization, this process can be completed relatively quickly. If your website needs to be redone from the ground up, this process could last a few months. At this point, content creation and link building will also be put into action. These efforts will yield results down the line, but not right away. 
  • Month 3 – By the third month, content creation should be in full swing. As you publish blogs consistently and optimize your webpages for target keywords, the Google algorithm will start to take notice. In turn, you may see a slight increase in search rankings by the end of the month, but likely not a ton of new leads just yet. 
  • Month 4 – By month four, your SEO team will start fine-tuning their SEO strategies based on the influx of data they’ve been collecting. As they adjust their strategies,  you’ll start noticing more powerful results, like an increase in website traffic and lead generation.
  • Month 5 – During month five, optimization efforts will continue, resulting in more traffic and more qualified leads. Your SEO team should have enough data to start optimizing your conversion rate at this point. This will set you up to gain more customers down the line. 
  • Month 6 – After half a year, chances are that your SEO strategies will have yielded new customers, increased conversions, and a steady influx of traffic. These results should continue to improve over time but you’ll likely start to feel that your SEO efforts are “working” at this point. 

Search Engine Optimization is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

When you’re trying to improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), it’s important to have realistic expectations about how long the process will take. After all, no digital marketing agency can guarantee results overnight. So, what factors impact the timeline for SEO success? Let’s take a look at a few of the most important ones.

First, the size and complexity of your website will play a role. A small site with a few simple pages can be optimized relatively quickly, while a large site with hundreds or even thousands of pages will take longer. Second, the level of competition for your targeted keywords also matters. If you’re going up against major brands with deep pockets and years of experience in digital marketing, it’s going to take longer to achieve results. Finally, your own internal resources also play a part. If you have a dedicated team working on SEO full-time, you’ll make progress faster than if you’re relying on someone who has other responsibilities.

Keep these factors in mind when setting expectations for your SEO timeline. And remember, even if it takes longer than you’d like to see results, as long as you’re making progress each week, you’re on the right track.

As with all healthy lifestyle changes, SEO takes time. 

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